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Unrailed has eight distinct biomes to play on. Each has its own attributes that make the gameplay unique. These attributes come in the form of varying terrain generation, different creatures and different mechanics.

In Endless Mode players will begin in the Plains biome and are able to progress to the next biome by purchasing the next engine in the station shop. Engines can be bought for four bolts and with every engine upgrade players will receive an extra slot for another wagon.

On endless mode players enter these biomes in order:

  1. Plains
  2. Desert
  3. Snow
  4. Underwater
  5. Hell
  6. Space
  7. Mars
  8. Final biome



A starting position of a Plains Biome.

The Plains are lush & grassy fields containing small forests, rock formations and perma-rock, which will be sparsely generated. Many ponds and rivers cover the landscape providing a healthy supply of water, but players will have to build bridges over them by using wood.

A day- & night-cycle will be present during this biome, which can obscure the vision. Keeping track of the path towards the next station and picking up bolts while it's still bright is a good idea. Fog can occcur during the day and the night, which can make it harder to discern ressources, though the fog will dissipate once the train reaches the next station.

The Plains is the only biome where it will rain occasionally, which cools down the train engine and will fill up the water bucket. Similar to fog, it will also stop raining once the train reaches the next station.


In the Plains the only threat is Bandits, which will try to steal ressources and then throw them off the edge. They can be killed by using the Pickaxe, the Axe, or a piece of Dynamite.


Cows can be milked with the Milk Wagon. Drinking cow milk will improve the efficiency with tools threefold (destroying ressources with one strike will be possible).

Ducks can be found on the water and are killed if a bridge is placed on top of them.



A starting position of a Desert Biome.

The Desert is a sandy biome with palm trees, cacti and plenty of rock formations. Perma-rock is denser in the Desert and will pose an increased challenge to players compared with the Plains biome. Water will be less present and can still be bridged over by using wood.

A day- & night-cycle will be present during this biome, which can obscure the vision. Keeping track of the path towards the next station and picking up bolts while it's still bright is a good idea. Fog can occcur during the day and the night, which can make it harder to discern ressources, though the fog will dissipate once the train reaches the next station.


The Outlaws will try to steal ressources and then throw them off the edge, similar to Bandits, but they are also able to pick up train track. They can be killed by using the Pickaxe, the Axe, or a piece of Dynamite.

Camels will follow the Water Bucket and empty it once reached. This adds to the water problem in the Desert, due to the fact that it will no longer rain.


Camels can be milked with the Milk Wagon. Drinking camel milk will improve the carry capacity four-fold (carrying 12 items at once will be possible).

Flamingos can be found on the water and are killed if a bridge is placed on top of them.



A starting position of a Snow Biome.

The Snow Biome is a biome where it will snow regularly, which will replenish melted snow and stack on top of the already present snow.

The brown trees and rock formations will be harder to see due to the snow. Perma-rock will be commonly found, but they look similar to the rock formations and will pose an increased challenge to players because of that. Water will be present and can still be bridged over by using wood.

A day- & night-cycle will be present during this biome, which can obscure the vision. This won't usually pose a threat to the players though because of the Light Wagon, which will melt the snow in it's vicinity. It can also stop snowing for a while, which can be a temporary relief to some players.

Snow can be melted if a player carries the Water Bucket while walking over snow. The improved bucket and dynamite are more ways to get rid of snow, though not as efficient as with the Light Wagon.  


The Yeti will attack the players by stomping, which creates an area of effect that causes everyone in its vicinity to drop their items.

Two layers of snow will cover up ressources, tracks and tools on the ground. Snow in general will slow down player movement and even stop dashes. It can be a problem if not dealt with accordingly, but it's much less of a threat with the Light Wagon.


The walrus can be milked, allowing players to maneuver the snow at normal speed.

Penguins can be found on the water and are killed if a bridge is placed on top of them.



File:Underwater Biome.png
A starting position of a Underwater Biome.

The Underwater Biome is a bonus biome of the sorts that can be entered using any of the secret mineshafts that are hidden across the first 3 biomes. For each biome, one mineshaft may spawn randomly on level 3, 4 or 5. Starting from level 6, one is guaranteed to spawn on level 5n+1. When you see a mineshaft surrounded by the streams of a nearby waterfall, you can build tracks there and connect to the lone track within the mineshaft. Your train will then speed up towards the mineshaft, then enter a transition phase into Underwater where the train is slowed and a flashing warning symbol appears over your train's engine.

If players choose not to enter the secret mineshaft, it will explode upon loading the next level.


Blowfish, an explosive type of fish swim the sea floor. When players are near, the Blowfish will gradually fill itself with air until the point at which it bursts itself and causes an dynamite like explosion to nearby players and resources.


The blowfish can be milked, providing players with infinite amount of oxygen.



A screen flipped upside down in the Hell Biome.

The Hell biome generates dead trees, big pumpkins and stone formations. It is resource-rich but often causes difficulty due to the limited build space for train tracks. Perma-rock is very common and can restrict players by blocking the access to the back of the train.

Instead of water lakes & rivers, there will be vast lava lakes, which can be bridged over by using stone instead of wood. The Water Bucket can be filled by standing on top of geysers found on the ground. Tracks cannot be placed over steam vents, the path to the station should be planned accordingly.

A day- & night-cycle will be present during this biome, which can obscure the vision. Keeping track of the path towards the next station and picking up bolts while it's still bright is a good idea.


Ghosts will attack the players, turning the victim into a ghost with inverted controls (the ghost attribute will effect the player). Once possessed, the Ghost will be removed from the map and after a while the side effects of being possessed will subside.

The screen will tilt and even flip upside down. If the motion sickness option is turned on in the settings, then the controlls will reverse instead.

Magma Slimes will try to attach themselves to the engine, which will set it on fire. They can be extinguished with a water bucket, up to a maximum of 3 times. After that they lose their fire ability and run off the screen.


Magma Slimes can be picked up and linked to the milking wagon for the ghost attribute, allowing players to pass through each other.



A starting position in Space Biome.

The Space biome will contain blue/teal trees and light gray stone formations in small quantities. Perma-rock will be present as well but is easily distinguished from stone formations.

Starting from this biome, water won't be available anymore. Instead, the Tank Wagon and the Water Bucket will provide the player with an oxygen bubble. The oxygen radius of the Tank Wagon can be increased by upgrading and super-charging it, and the oxygen radius of the bucket can be increased by using the upgraded version of the Buckinator Wagon.

The space biome consists of a collection of islands. The players are able to move between these islands and outside of the map with the use of their jetpacks. Bridging needs to be done with stone and two tile wide bridges are now obsolete due to players being allowed to fly anywhere in the map.

The Space is the first biome where it never gets dark, rendering the Light Wagon useless. It can still be used in order to remove space dust, but it's not required in order to survive through space.


Due to ressources being scarce, players should try to build as efficiently as possible and try to mine every ressource in sight.

Players should be weary of the oxygen supply. When it drops to zero the player will die & respawn.

From time to time a meteor will crash into the biome, killing players in the vicinity and destroying terrain & tracks if they are not within an air bubble. Players will be able to block an incoming meteor with the Water Bucket.

Due to the vacuum of space, sounds will be muffled/muted. The crash warning is one of the most notable ones, players must place extra attention on the position of the train, its speed and the warning sign that it is about to crash soon.


There are no creatures in this biome.  



The Mars biome will contain green trees, brown rock formations and perma-rock. Similar to the Space biome, water will be replaced with oxygen.

The oxygen radius of the Tank Wagon can be increased by upgrading and super-charging it, and the oxygen radius of the bucket can be increased by using the upgraded version of the Buckinator Wagon.

Land in this biome is much more present than in Space, which results in less stone being required to build bridges. Two tile wide bridges aren't needed due to players being ablee to use their jetpacks.

It never gets dark in space, rendering the Light Wagon useless.


Players should be weary of the oxygen supply. When it drops to zero the player will die & respawn.

The Mars biome introduces green walls that are resistant to dynamite and take way longer to mine (both the Axe & Pickaxe can be used to destroy these walls). At least one green wall needs to be passed in order to reach the next station.

On top of the green walls there are Turrets, which will frequently shoot fireballs at players, killing them on hit if they are not protected by an air bubble. They can also be tricked to destroy resources without the use of the tools by simply side-stepping.


There are no creatures in this biome.

Final Biome


The colour scheme is similar to the Mars biome. Throughout the biome there will be a set track that the train will travel on. Next ti the track there are buildings and some patches of trees and stone.


This biome can only be reached if all special bolts (orange-colored bolts) from all other biomes are collected. The new train engine will then move very slowly for approximately 100 meters while playing calming music.

In this biome players will be able to summon level 3 dynamite out of thin air by pressing the pick-up button, which then can be used to destroy trees, stones or other players.

After the train reaches the last station, the game will end and the screen will move to the left, showing all the progress that has been made (this can be skipped).